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8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
(Closed from Noon-1 p.m.)
Fridays & Federal Holidays
GMHA is no longer accepting online applications for Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV). We are accepting paper applications only. If you are interested in applying, you can contact the office at: or (440) 286-7413 Ext 100.

If you are a person with disability and need assistance, please contact the office at: (440) 286-7413 Ext 100.

GMHA is no longer accepting online applications and will be accepting paper applications only.

GMHA will ONLY contact the applicant by the requested preference for the annual purge update and when they are at the top of the wait list they have selected. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Skylar Thorsen, Administrative Assistant at ext. 100 and

GMHA has two separate programs: Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8). Each has its own waiting list and Program Manager. At the time of application, an applicant may pick the preferred waiting list they are interested in.

A copy of photo ID and social security card must be provided with the application and attached to the application.

HUD 9886-A Authorization for Release of Information and Privacy Act Notice
HUD 52675 Debts Owed to Public Housing Agencies and Terminations
HUD 5380 Notice of Occupancy Rights under the Violence Against Women Act
HUD 92006 Supplement to Application for Federally Assisted Housing: Additional Contact or Organization Release
HUD 5382 Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Trafficking, and Alternate Documentation
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Mainstream Program Referral Form
Full Application for Admission - Spanish


In accordance with 24CFR 982.209(b), GMHA uses the following local preferences:

  • Victim of domestic violence
  • Veteran or widow of veteran
  • Upward Mobility
  • For the purpose of Mainstream vouchers, at least one member of the household must be disabled and between the ages of 18 and 61
  • Additional preference points available are transitioning out of institutional and other segregated settings, homeless or at risk of homelessness

Date and time of application ranks applicants within the same number of preference points.

Annual Income Eligibility

In order to be eligible for our programs, there are income limits that cannot be exceeded, depending on your family size. (Income limits are subject to change annually).

Income Limits (effective 5/1/2024)

Persons Extremely Low Income Section 8 Very Low Income Public Housing Low Income
1 20,450 34,050 54,450
2 23,350 38,900 62,200
3 26,250 43,750 70,000
4 31,200 48,600 77,750
5 36,580 52,500 84,000
6 41,960 56,400 90,200
7 47,340 60,300 96,450
8 52,720 64,200 102,650
Please note: Applicants are responsible for informing our office in writing of any changes to their file by submitting the Applicant Update Form. Applicant Update Form